Operational excellence with Zyllem Customer success with Zyllem Real-time monitoring logistics Web dashboard performance tracking Daily and monthly reports automation Real-time delivery outcomes visibility Predictable and manageable operations Streamlined communication in logistics Digital task management and notifications Reducing support time with automation Eliminating manual work in logistics TMS for logistics efficiency Data entry and documentation automation Transparency and accountability in 3PL Enhancing partnerships with 3PL providers Role-based access to logistics data Improving employee satisfaction in logistics Customer experience enhancement with TMS Scaling logistics operations efficiently Automating logistics processes with Zyllem Reducing inefficiencies in supply chain Flexible and automated logistics solutions Real-time updates and integration Improving logistics strategy and decision-making Boosting growth through operational efficiency

Zyllem TMS: Digital Transformation Beyond Automation

Step into a world of operational excellence with Zyllem, where customer success is our driving force. We illuminate the incredible journey of our clients and the profound transformations they’ve experienced after embracing Zyllem’s solutions. Beyond mere automation, we showcase how Zyllem has become a catalyst for redefining the way our customers work, enabling them to achieve new heights of efficiency, visibility, and satisfaction. ​

More predictable and manageable operation ​

Real-time monitoring and end-of-day reports have been extremely transformative in operations. In the past, determining the delivery success rate and on time delivery rate can take days or even months. With Zyllem, they can view the information through a web dashboard that summarizes the network’s daily performance. Daily and monthly reports are also generated and automatically sent. Stakeholders can drill down to each delivery, operator, or driver.

“In the past, we wouldn’t know how many out of our thousands of deliveries were successful, rejected, or failed until the driver comes back at the end of the day or the next day”, says one of the managers. So if redeliveries are required, they would have to be managed at the last minute. This would affect the capacity and schedule of drivers for that day. Multiple instances of these last-minute jobs could easily pile up and affect the entire operations.

Now with real-time visibility on delivery outcomes, timely planning and proactive follow-through can be done for unsuccessful delivery scenarios. Daily operations are more predictable and manageable. Fundamentally, Zyllem has changed the way they work and has elevated their customer experience. ​

Less time on support, more on productive work ​

Prior to digitizing their logistics, most of our pilot customers had multiple and often overlapping group chats for internal and external communications. While messaging apps are useful to some extent, group chats often turn into a messy arena of information for the different parties involved. Information is hard to trace, and at times can become more distracting than helpful. Additional efforts are spent extracting information and putting them together into formal communication. Today, our customers have not only streamlined their communications.

They have also modelled the system to systematically generate tasks and notifications for exceptional cases, allowing them to cover all grounds and scenarios. As a result, relevant information is delivered to the right stakeholder at the right time. Channels include SMS, email, updates via integration, and in-platform messaging. Our customers are at ease knowing they have the foundation to automate and be flexible at the same time. This way, their teams can be freed from ad hoc tasks and focus on their core responsibilities. ​

Manual work, a thing of the past

This may be surprising in today’s highly digital world, but if you look closer, many businesses that deal with logistics and supply chain continue to have dedicated resources that spend 3-5 hours daily on tasks like data entry, paperwork, documentation, and reporting. Pen and paper remain as major tools for record keeping and exception handling for drivers and people on the frontline. The longstanding issue of inefficiency ultimately becomes an issue of scalability.

With a TMS like Zyllem, our customers have significantly reduced inefficiencies and redundancies in their processes. For instance, with instant transmission of updates across different platforms, SOPs aimed at ensuring accuracy of data entry have been eliminated. Ad-hoc tasks are no longer widespread, if not eradicated. Extracting information is now seamless and reports are generated and sent automatically. For many of our customers, this benefit has further validated the fact that while small inefficiencies can hinder growth, boosting efficiency fosters innovation and leads to faster growth. ​

Better accountability and strategy

Partnerships between businesses and 3PL providers are not often without challenges. One of the main issues is the lack of trust and accountability. For instance, when issues or customer complaints arise, businesses may be hesitant to fully trust their logistics partners when they feel there is a lack of transparency. On the other hand, 3PL partners may feel the need to frequently defend or provide explanation.

Zyllem customers today enjoy the level of transparency and accountability they have developed with their 3PL partners. The ability to access comprehensive data and investigate each activity log help ensure everyone from top to bottom of the chain is working together efficiently and effectively. Access to information can be segmented by role, allowing them to selectively share relevant information with each stakeholder, including their end customers.

With well-established transparency and accountability, businesses and their 3PL partners can foster mutually beneficial relationships while reducing dependency with each other. Accurate assessment of performance and service quality is easy, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and develop effective strategies. ​

Happy employees, happy customers ​

In today’s modern landscape, customer satisfaction and employee retention are extremely crucial to the success of a business. One way to achieve both is by equipping employees with the right tools that truly empower them to perform their daily tasks efficiently and serve their customers better.

As the saying goes, “happy employees lead to happy customers,” and the Zyllem platform is an excellent example of how this is true. The collective advantage of being able to automate, streamline, and optimize their employees’ day-to-day tasks, as mentioned in this series, is significant. This has transformed the way they work and ultimately enhanced their ability to go the extra mile when serving their customers.

Prioritizing the needs of both employees and customers is essential in gaining a competitive edge and fostering long-term success. Investing in the right technology and putting people first can help businesses reach their full potential.